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The world of health insurance can be complicated and scary especially for someone with pre-existing conditions. Whether you're an individual or a group, we will ensure that your health insurance package is customized towards your particular health needs.

Affordable Care Act Plans
Also known as Obamacare, these plans cover pre-existing conditions .
Depending on your income, you may qualify for a government subsidy which will offset the cost of these plans.
Short-Term Plans
An alternative to Obamacare, these plans are often an affordable alternative for those without major pre-existing conditions.
These plans range in duration from 30 days up to three years.
Health Sharing
Health Sharing plans are a group of like-minded individuals that agree to come together and help each other pay their medical expenses.
They offer faith-based programs for planning for unforeseen medical expenses.
While not actually insurance, they work
in a very similar fashion.

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